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Email MultiFactor Authentication


What is Email MultiFactor Authentication (MFA)?

All users who have any permissions to a Subscription will be prompted to enter an MFA code as a second factor, in addition to password, in order to login to the ONEiO UI. MFA Code consists of 6 digits. ONEiO (Subscription service) delivers the code by email to the user who is logging in to ONEiO.

Login procedure

The first login step for MFA-enabled Subscriptions is the same as for regular login. The user enters the username and password. If the provided credentials are valid, ONEiO UI shows another screen asking for the MFA Code. At the same time, the Subscription service sends an Email with the code.

Here’s what the screen looks like after the username and password screen:


If the user opens a login page in a new tab/window and provides valid credentials, then a new MFA Code is sent out to the customer and the old one is removed.


How to Enable MFA for a Subscription:

  • The customer must submit a request for this to be enabled for a subscription (i.e. a Zendesk Ticket)
  • Support to engage the Operations Team related to the Zendesk Ticket
  • Provide the following information:
    • Subscription Name / Link to Subscription
  • Note: For any users that are associated with a Subscription that has MFA enabled, that user will then in the future be required to Submit MFA credentials even when accessing Non-MFA enabled Subscriptions
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