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Home View

The ONEiO Home page offers an overview of endpoint statuses, change logs and routing rule change logs all at a glance.



Endpoint Status

This section shows an overview of all endpoints in the subscriptions current environment (QA or Production).

Each endpoint is shown in its own section consisting of the following parts from the top down:

  • Endpoint System Logo
  • Endpoint Name
  • Endpoint System
  • Operating Status


The endpoint can have one of four statuses which shows if the endpoint experiences any issues in its operation. Here are the different statuses and their causes:

Status Cause
Operational The endpoint functions normal
  • ageing queues (> 100 messages in the outbound or inbound queue)
  • outbound or inbound queue has a delay (> 2minutes) 
Error The endpoint failed to start (please contact Support)
N/A The endpoint status is either “Suspended” or the endpoint information is not available (more information below)

ONEiO has an internal queuing logic that works on the basis of "first-in & first-out". Thus if an endpoint encounters a problem delivering a message and the problem is defined as a retryable error, the message will be retried and sequential messages will be queued.

For more info on retryable and non-retryable errors please read "How to set up notifications about integration issues for both QA and Production environments"

Clicking on the endpoint shows more information regarding the current status.







Queue buildup can have a variety of causes depending partially on the direction (inbound / outbound).

Possible reasons include but are not limited to:

Direction Reason
  • A lot of messages are arriving at the same time
  • The endpoint is suspended
  • Authentication issues (target system credentials are incorrect)
  • Authorisation issues (integration user has insufficient rights)
  • Connection to the target system has timed out
  • The message transactions are taking a long time to be completed

Queue limits

We keep messages in Inbound and Outbound queues for 30 days. We can handle a large amount of messages in each queue, but we kindly ask you to contact us if there is a plan to have more than 100,000 messages in each queue.





No endpoint information is available. Unfortunately some systems do not support newer ONEiO functionality and therefore cannot display endpoint information to our visual queue tool.

  • Efecte
  • ServiceNow Classic
  • Atos
  • Xllnc


Routing Rules: Changelog

The Routing Rules changelog section shows all of the changes made to rules within the subscription in chronological order. This history is also available for individual rules in the rule submenu.

Double-clicking on the routing rule name brings you to the corresponding routing rule.


The information provided consists of:

Header Information
Name Name of the Routing Rule
Version Version number of the Routing Rules
Author Email address of last change author
Date Date & Time of last change
Inbound Name of inbound endpoint name
Outbound Name of outbound endpoint name
Change Description Description of last change


Endpoints Config: Changelog

This section shows the last change date / author of all endpoints in the subscription among other endpoint information.

Double-clicking on the endpoint name brings you to the corresponding endpoint.



The information provided consists of:

Header Information
Endpoint Name Name of the Endpoint
Endpoint Type Connected System
Version Version Number
Author Email address of last change author


Date & Time of last change
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