Here are some useful search strings with regular expressions. We will continue to update this article as when we have more examples to share.
Example 1 - Extract text with regular expression
Test String
Bad Request (400) occurred while sending message.
Response body: '{"error":{"detail":"The following error(s) occurred;
Attachment exceeds the maximum size limit of 10MB",
"message":"Unacceptable request"},
Result / Match
The following error(s) occurred;
Attachment exceeds the maximum size limit of 10MB
If you wanted to extract only string from message, i.e Unacceptable request, the regex to match that string will be "message":"(.*?)"
Example 2 - Extract text with regular expression
Test String
Sending failed.
Authorization/authentication failure when sending message to URI:
'null' with status code: '401' occurred while sending message.
Response body: '{"error":{"message":"User Not Authenticated","detail":
"Required to provide Auth information", "status" "failure"}'
Result / Match
User Not Authenticated
If the JSON is using extra white-spaces after the colon, then include that in the regex to match correctly.
"name of the attribute": "(.*)"
Example 3 - Extract text with regular expression and using Replace all occurrences of regular expression with string or empty string
Extract text with regular expression (?:.*Response body: ')(.*)(?:')
Replace all occurrences of regular expression \{\"errors\":\[ with
Replace all occurrences of regular expression \]\} with
Replace all occurrences of regular expression ({"status":\d\d\d\,) with
Replace all occurrences of regular expression ("field":"\w*(\.\w*){0,}",) with
Replace all occurrences of regular expression "message": with
Replace all occurrences of regular expression } with
- Each of the "Replace all occurrences of" add-on filters have the use source as regex checked
- Essentially, we are replacing all the occurrences of a string that match the regular expression with (insert_regular_expression_here) with an empty string ("") so leave the text field after with empty.
How it appears in the ONEiO UI
Test String
In this use case, we want to extract all the values from the message attribute. When testing with the string below, you essentially are going through each of the filters so the results from first filter will be used as the test string for the second filter and that process repeats until you have arrived last result which will be the value that is saved to the runtime variable as seen in the example above in the UI.
Bad Request (400) occurred while sending message. Response body: '{"errors":[{"status":400,"field":"paymentDetails","message":"Invalid Account"},{"status":400,"field":"shippingAddress","message":"Missing House number"},{"status":400,"message":"Invalid Id"},{"status":400,"field":"expiryDate","message":"Invalid expiry date format"},{"status":400,"field":"registrationCode","message":"Invalid expiry date format"}]}'
Result / Match
"Invalid Account","Missing House number","Invalid Id","Invalid expiry date format","Invalid registration code"
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