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Endpoint Type Configuration Guide - DNA Trouble Ticket

Endpoint details

In this document, you will find detailed info about the endpoint DNA Trouble Ticket.


DNA Trouble Ticket - Endpoint type



This endpoint requires a specific setting related to authentication which is added by our team internally. So the first time this endpoint is added in QA or synced with production, please contact our support team. 

This endpoint has different settings for QA and Production environments. In this document, Items in red have specific environment values.


Some of your routing rules added by example have fixed values that should be replaced by data given to you by DNA. Check the end of this document to see what you need to change.


Status Sets the status of the endpoint to Active or Suspended.
When an endpoint is suspended, it will continue to receive messages but won't process them. Instead, the messages will be temporarily stored in a queue and processed later once the endpoint status changes back to Active. It's important to note that during suspension, the endpoint will not send out any messages.
Name Name of the endpoint. It is recommended to use short names since this name is used in displays throughout ONEiO.
Base URL
  • QA environment:
  • Production environment:
Timezone UTC
Global Datetime Pattern



Username provided by DNA


Password provided by DNA

OAuth2 Client Id

Client ID provided by DNA

OAuth2 Client Secret

Client Secret provided by DNA

OAuth2 Scope

OAuth2 Scope provided by DNA




[DNA Trouble Ticket]->ONEiO (Inbound)

Receiver Address The address to insert to DNA Request Url when sending requests to ONEiO The targets are different when operating in QA or Production.
  • QA -> https://[USERNAME]:[PASSWORD]
  • Production -> https://[USERNAME]:[PASSWORD]
Username Your endpoint ID (automatic)
You can reset and retrieve a new password in edit mode.
Whitelist Filtering

With this property, you can define conditions to ignore certain messages arriving from your Instance to ONEiO.

You can have one or more conditions. The different conditions are separated with comma (,). The logical operator between conditions is always "AND". Supported operations in a single condition are:

= (or ==) for EQUALS
IN which evaluates to true if any of the values in the list are equal to the value compared to.

Example 1 - You want only to filter messages where attr_1 is equal to foo:

Example 2 (Showcasing different operators): attr_1=foo,attr_2==${param:project.key},attr_3!=${username},attr_4 IN (bar1, bar2, bar3)




ONEiO ->[DNA Trouble Ticket] - (Outbound)

Unrecoverable HTTP error codes

List of numeric HTTP response codes that are to be handled as non-recoverable when sending messages to your outbound Instance-
If ONEiO receives an error code that is not on the list, it will retry the message automatically. If ONEiO receives an error code that IS on this list, the message will result in an error.

DNA Default unrecoverable errors: 400,403,404,405,422,409,500


Entity types

There is only one entity type available to implement the integration with the Trouble Ticket endpoint, the entity Trouble Ticket.


DNA Trouble Ticket - Entity type configuration


Please check carefully when the entity type settings, in special the create, update, and the lookup paths. They differ from QA and production and can cause errors if not set properly. 


Entity type settings
Entity type TroubleTicket
Display Name Trouble Ticket
Allow Missing ID for Updates By default, ONEiO needs to have information about the entity Id to be able to update it. This property overrides the behavior in a case when your API will handle the request based on other properties. Don't need to change it.
  Response handling
HTTP Success Codes 200,201,202
Id Element id
Success Element default (blank)
Success Values default (blank)
Error Element default (blank)
  Inbound and Outbound Attributes
ID Attribute /eventBody/troubleTicket/id
External ID Attribute /eventBody/troubleTicket/externalId
HTTP method of Create  POST
Target for CREATE
  • QA environment:
  • Production environment:
HTTP method for Update  PATCH
Target for UPDATE
  • QA environment:
  • Production environment:
Inbound Attributes

/ticketDetail - This attribute has an inbound lookup that returns data to enrich the original ticket payload. You need to change the lookup path (only the part in red, below) to the Production or QA path, depending on the environment:

  • QA environment: ${system:uri}/troubleticket-dil-uatcustomer/1/troubleTicket/...
  • Production environment: ${system:uri}/troubleticket-dil-prodcustomer/1/troubleTicket/...
Outbound Attributes

relatedParty, characteristics, comment, comment.text, relatedParty.contactMedium, relatedParty.contactMedium.characteristic and relatedParty.organizationIdentification are attributes added by default and there are no specific settings or changes on them.


Common HTTP error codes

Error action
400 - Bad Request
"code":"VALIDATION_ERROR","reason":"Bad Request","message":"Validation error"

Usually related to sending payload missing a field or sending an incorrect field data. 
403 Forbidden This status is returned when the endpoint experiences authentication issues. In case you start to receive this error, please contact our support team

Routing rules fixed values

Replace the CHANGE_ME value in these rules for the values you received from DNA.

Routing rule fixed value (CHANGE_ME)
DNA Trouble Ticket - Create - SN
DNA Trouble Ticket - Update - SN -> DNA
DNA Trouble Ticket - ACK - SN -> DNA
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