If you have reviewed our Basic Troubleshooting guide and you're still in need of assistance, the next step is to contact Support with your questions.
You can open a support ticket either via our Support form (requiring you to be signed in) or by sending an email to support@oneio.cloud. If you are accessing the Help Center for the first time or have forgotten your password, please refer to this article.
When opening a support ticket, please have all the relevant information about the issue, as this helps us to investigate more effectively. When contacting us please make sure you’re doing so from the email address that is linked to your ONEiO account.
Starting from the subject of the email, a brief one sentence description of the issue, whether it affects QA or PROD, and indicate the impact of the issue.
In the actual message, please include the following information to help Support to get started with the investigation:
Subscription: the name of the subscription with the issue.
Environment: whether the issue affects QA or PROD.
Endpoint: if the issue is related to a particular endpoint.
Issue: explanation of the issue, what is the expected behavior, and when the issue was first observed. Please remember that you might be in a different time zone from our support staff, so remember to mention your time zone when reporting the time.
Routing Rule: if the issue is related to a particular routing rule.
- Message: If the issue affects a message or various messages, please provide a link to the particular message or example. The best way to obtain the conversation link is to find the message exchange in question, and right-click the speech bubbles icon on the right side of the exchange and select “Copy link address”. Paste that in this section (as per the image below).
If the issue is regarding a message that can't be found in the message feed, please provide us with the date and time when the message was sent. If you have a log entry with ONEiO's response to the message to the source system that can help us investigate further.
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