Contact addresses for non-technical related inquiries about ONEiO
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How to Submit a Change Request to ONEiO
Which browsers are supported to be used with ONEiO.app?
Is there any limit for Inbound and Outbound queues?
How to Submit a Request for Deletion or Cleanup of a Message Conversation
How long is Message and Conversation Data Stored in ONEiO?
Best Practices to Open a Support Ticket with ONEiO
Does ONEiO run a Bug Bounty program?
Attachment size limit for ServiceNow SOAP API
What version of TLS does ONEiO Support?
Why should I pay the monthly subscription fee?
What development tools are available, if I wanted to build the ONEiO connections to our endpoints.
How long is the typical time to set up a ticket exchange using standard APIs out of the box between the two ITSM systems?
Do you provide a business rule engine capability for applying any business logic to the message content?
Can a case / ticket exchange flow include the use of acknowledgement processing to link 2 tickets together in the end point ITSM workflow systems?
How is version control of configurations managed in ONEiO?
What kind of field transformation capability do you provide?
Do you support endpoint outage management in the event end of the end-point systems being temporary unavailable?
Do you have a capability to measure KPIs such as latency between components, end-to-end response time and volumes of the messages?
Will the system provide notifications (e.g. email, SMS) about broken connections, tickets getting stuck, etc.?
What is your operational model?
Do the vendor adapters still require the client ITSM system to have an adapter component or development on their side?
What type of transactions (e.g. batch, real-time) can ONEiO support?
What can be viewed via tracking console and will I and/or my client have access to it?
Is there an admin tool to configure ONEiO for new partner connections, mappings, transaction flows, etc.?
Can ONEiO SaaS solution be deployed as on-premise?
What security models (e.g. basic authentication, WS-Security) do you support?
Are there any restrictions for the processing of attachments (such as size or file types)?
Can attachments be exchanged on a ticket?